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Day 17 – What I’m Wearing

January 19, 2011

Dress – Zara
Cardigan – Charity Shop

My housemate accused me of cheating with my outfit today. Apparently wearing the same dress with a different cardigan doesn’t count. I disagree, I think I look totally different. See for yourself. Please note, different accessories AND a different hair style, how much more different could one dress look?

I have also been accused of having a cardigan fetish and in documenting my outfits I’ve realised there might be some trusth in this. In my defence, it is a lot easier to create multipul outfits with cardigans than with with jumpers. As I have discovered once I’ve worn with my favourite jumper with my much loved jeans that’s it. Can’t wear that again until the end.

I am going to have a massive jumper wearing binge at the end of this. Perhaps my next challenge will be to just wear my three favourtie jumpers for the next 30 days. On the first day I may wear them all at once.

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